Don’t think you are. Know you are.


~Morpheus, The Matrix, 1999


“Don’t think you are. Know you are.” ~Morpheus, The Matrix


I’m not a movie-watcher.

Seriously, ask my family. I either don’t have the time or patience to sit through movies.

However last night I had a rare free-night alone at home, so I watched The Matrix.

(I know, I’m like 25 years behind on movie-watching.)

Wow! What a movie!!!

No joke, I’d get chills during some of the scenes.

One of them was during the kung fu scene with Morpheus and Neo.

Spoiler alert, in case you have The Matrix on “hold” at Blockbuster at the moment…

Neo is “the one”. Morpheus knows it, but Neo doesn’t yet.

He kind-of believes it, sort-of…

Morpheus then says, “Don’t think you are. Know you are.”

***MIC DROP***

There’s a massive difference between THINKING something and KNOWING something.

Knowing is the highest form of existence.

Knowing is the foundation of faith.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain (knowing) of what we do not see.”

Amazing things happen when we act and behave out of “knowing”.

Florence Shinn said, “Know you have already received and act accordingly”.

Once Neo thought and BELIEVED he was “the one”, THEN he walked into his fullness.


How often DON’T we do this?

We let fear, doubt, disbelief, and insecurity stop us from knowing.

We think we’re blessed, we’re chosen, we’re valuable, we’re able, we’re worthy…

…you fill in the blank.

But, we never truly KNOW it, thus it doesn’t come fully into fruition.

Don’t defer life any longer.

KNOW your days have value, your life has meaning and you ARE designed for purpose.

…don’t just believe.



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