Just. Tell. The. Truth.
Just. Tell. The. Truth.
I had the privilege to speak to nearly 70 men this weekend.
One of the main challenges I posed to them was to tell the truth.
I’m not talking about little white lies.
I’m talking about powerfully living in truth.
Living in such a way where you’re not scared to be open.
Where you have no fear of being honest, vulnerable and REAL.
Where you are in full-alignment and your life is an accurate representation of who you are.
Existing as and becoming the person you want and were created to become.
What would happen if we stopped lying and told the truth…
…to our spouses
…to our kids
…to God
…to ourselves?
What if we just started saying (with grace!) how we felt and stopped BS’ing those around us?
Would we be less angry, less bitter, less resentful, more free, more liberated?
The longer you wait to be honest, authentic and real - the more you hurt your life tomorrow.
The truth sets you free.
When you speak the truth…
The Divine on your side.
Just. Tell. The. Truth.